» Colorado - //m.stpapt.com 我们塑造了建筑,建筑亦塑造了我们 Fri, 20 Sep 2024 01:15:24 +0000 zh-CN hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.8.4 屋顶如山峰般波浪起伏的红木住宅 / Robert Harvey Oshatz Architect //m.stpapt.com/archcollege/2017/07/35763.html //m.stpapt.com/archcollege/2017/07/35763.html#comments Sat, 08 Jul 2017 14:00:37 +0000 这是一个建造于滑雪度假村的特殊住宅,房子由两个做木匠的兄弟共同建造,建筑材料则是二人在偶然情况下获得的一卡车的红木壁板。

This is a spec house built in a ski resort community by two brother carpenters who happen to own a truckload of redwood siding.



The house was designed to be attractive to two families who might want to be in a resort at the ten thousand feet elevation. 



rom the front door one could ski down to the ski lift. Take the lift and ski back down to the house. A central shaft that runs vertically through the house supports the house. In the interior the central shaft is a fireplace for each of the house’s three floors. The house is designed with two garages on each of the entry. One enters the house on a split-level. A half level up has two master bedroom suites separated by the central shaft with a fireplace and whirlpool in it. A half level down from the entry is the community family areas, living, kitchen, etc. The lowest level is a children playroom/dormitory. 



The undulating roof reflects the mountaintop behind the house. Local people refer to the house as the snow clam. 


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