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为明天设计 | 罗湖区校园设计创意竞赛的两个方案

2019.09.10 | , ,
汤桦建筑设计 汤桦建筑设计


*本文节选自《当代建筑》创刊号 《为明天而设计—— 深圳新校园设计竞赛 的三个方案》 作者 戴琼 汤桦


Through as a traditional cultural interspace carrier, school has always brought a meaning which is a radiation for urban function cultural value to the urban area. Such as tradition Chinese private schools and collages , has always been a sublime and pure spiritual space for education and relationships between neighbors . The Campus in City Life in Shenzhen provided an opportunity to rediscover the spatial relationship between the campus and the city

作为深圳最早建设的城区,罗湖区内中小学校大多建于上世纪九十年代。随着城市发展和人口剧增、不断提升的教育需求,学校老旧的主体建筑、落后的设施配套、大量的安全隐患、严重不足的学位供给等问题都亟待解决。“为应对今天校园建设所面临的诸多挑战,我们有必要回望教育的起点,积极探讨校园空间设计和现代教育理念、地方生态环境、城市文化传统,以及社区健康发展之间的关系,重新集聚智慧再出发,走向新的校园建筑,让人民感受到孕育未来的新时代。” 2019年10月深圳市罗湖区人民政府联合深圳城市城市设计促进中心开展“为明天设计—罗湖区校园设计创意竞赛”,为桂园中学、翠园中学东晓校区及东昌小学征集设计创意,探讨集约土地条件下中小学学校建筑空间和校园环境的创新提升。我们参与了全部三所学校的设计竞赛,最终东昌小学设计方案获得了一等奖,桂园中学设计方案获得了三等奖。

As the oldest urban area in Shenzhen , most of the primary and secondary schools in Luohu District were built in the 1990s . Follow the development of the city and the rapid increase in population and the ever-increasing educational needs , the old main buildings of the school , the backward facilities , a large number of security risks , and a serious shortage of degree supply are all urgently needed to be resolved . " In response to the many challenges facing campus construction today , it is necessary to go back at the origin point of education and actively explore the relationship between campus spaced design and modern educational concepts , local ecological environment , urban cultural traditions , and healthy development of communities , and re-aggregate Wisdom starts again , and moves toward a new campus building , created a feeling for residents about the new era of gestating the future ." . In October 2019 , the Luohu District People's Government of Shenzhen and the Shenzhen Urban City Design Promotion Center launched the " Design for the Future - Luohu District Campus Design Competition " Designed ideas of Guiyuan Middle School , Cuiyuan Middle School Dongxiao Campus and Dongchang Primary School to explore the innovative improvement of the construction space and campus environment of primary and secondary schools under intensive land conditions . We participated in the design competition of all three schools . In the end , Dongchang Elementary School Design won the first prize and Guiyuan Middle School Design won the third prize .

最“拥挤”的 / 东昌小学

The Most "Crowdedness" / Shenzhen Dongchang Primary School


项目名称 Project Name:深圳市东昌小学 Shenzhen Dongchang Primary School

项目地点 Location:深圳 Shenzhen

业主 Client:深圳市罗湖区政府投资项目前期工作办公室Government Investment Project Prophase Office of Shenzhen Luohu District

用地面积 Site Area:10391.50 ㎡

建筑面积 Built Area:30212.08 ㎡

建筑高度 Height :50 m

项目状态 Status:2018 国际竞赛一等奖 First Prize of International Competition



Dongchang Primary School . Dongchang Primary School is located in the south side of Taibai Road , Luohu District , Shenzhen . It is sandwiched between two high-rise residential buildings and Shuibei Petrochemical Industrial Plant . The newly-increased land shape is a narrow one that extends westward over the origin campus has a five meters height difference. The land used in the existing campus is already very tense . Not only can not provide enough space for public activities in the spare time , but also in some cases , the students ' physical education classes even have to be carried out in the fire exit . The current main entrances and exits of the campus need to borrow the roadways of adjacent land , and the students at the peak of the school's peak-to-school campus are mixed with people and vehicles , posing a safety hazard . The towering residential building on the north side and the huge industrial area on the south side form a huge scale difference between the small size and the open space of the campus , has been to increase the crowdedness on campus . At the basis of the original campus , the school will demolish the illegal building , renovate some of the building functions , and expand the new classroom building in the newly added land to meet the needs of the 42nd class (the existing 32 classes ) of Dongchang Primary School . The surge in educational demand has already challenged the limits of the existing campus's carrying capacity . Planning roads also needs to occupy some of the existing campuses . The contradiction between campus and city is intensifying on the "demarcation “。



As an independent education system , traditional primary and secondary schools are relatively alienated from the community . The current situation of crowded Dongchang Elementary School have prompted us to reflect on the relationship between campus and the community . We want to explore the possibility of a deep integration of campus , community and family , try to break the " Firm " boundary of campus and community , and share the urban space to make the life of the city and the campus blend together to create a ground for the healthy growth of children .



The Lingnan traditional Arcade spaces forms an interface with thickness and depth . A red strip along the campus forms a circular strip between the campus and the city . A continuously open porous body provides a leisure and mutual display of public communication space for the community and the campus , and also creates the possibility of " zero exited line " . Due to the certain height difference between the terrain , the space under the arcade has also changed from the ups and downs . Combined with the exhibition functions such as school history exhibition and scientific popularization , it has become an extension of the sidewalk and an extension of the urban street space . The floor of the arcade expands the functional space of the campus , becomes the stands and air trails of the stadium , and provides a platform for children to perceive the city and observe the life of the community .



The sett of the cultural Arcade divides the campus into two parts in the vertical direction : the urban shared area and the campus core living area . The structure of the upper and lower layers makes the shared area have a certain degree of independence , which is convenient for the management of the school and avoids the security problems brought by the sharing of the campus city . The city shared area is located on the ground floor of the campus and includes functions such as canteens , stadiums , and lecture halls . It can be opened to the community on weekends . The functional rooms in the school are gathered around the core space such as the atrium , courtyard , and sports ground to provide more opportunities for teachers and students to communicate . Layers 2-5 is teaching areas , of which 2-4 floors mainly accommodate ordinary classrooms , with two grades per level (14 classes ) , and public teaching rooms such as music and computers are mainly distributed on the 5th floor . The towers above the roof garden are centrally located with administrative offices and classroom dormitories , which greatly improve the teachers ' office accommodation . Since then , on the basis of basically retaining the original school building function layout , the entire campus has formed a multi-core multi-platform space pattern .



Cultural Arcade provide opportunities for communities and families to participate more in the education of their children. At the same time, the open space released by this openness makes the use of urban resources more rational, and the interaction it brings is fully activated. Community vitality.


 最“宽裕”的 / 桂园中学

The Most "Crowdedness" / Shenzhen Guiyuan Middle  School


项目名称 Project Name:深圳市桂园中学 Shenzhen Guiyuan Primary School

项目地点 Location:深圳 Shenzhen

业主 Client:深圳市罗湖区政府投资项目前期工作办公室Government Investment Project Prophase Office of Shenzhen Luohu District

用地面积 Site Area:10391.50 ㎡

建筑面积 Built Area:30212.08 ㎡

建筑高度 Height :50 m

项目状态 Status:2018 国际竞赛三等奖 Third Prize of International Competition



Guiyuan Middle School was surrounded in a group of residential quarters in the 1990s. Among the project teams, some poeple used to live nearby, alumni who had studied at Guiyuan high School, and family members of Guiyuan High School teachers. The Guiyuan Middle School in their mouth is a series of details with emotional temperature--the big banyan tree that was planted just after the school was built. Now it has grown into a five floors building and has been hanged with a sign to protect trees; The Monument of the "Hou De Zai Wu" school motto is now placed in a meaningful garden in front of the school... The interior of the campus is intertwined with multiple functions and functions, and the functions are scattered, and the function is decentralized refactoring. This also reminds us that the completion of the architectural space is only the beginning of the use of the campus, and the design should be fully adaptable and inclusive to the changes in teaching reform and even the daily needs of teachers and students. Due to the quality problems of some school buildings, Guiyuan Middle School only retains three buildings, and the rest of the buildings are demolished and rebuilt. The mission book requires that the new campus meet the teaching scale of 60 classes and fully reserve the future expandability. It is the one with the largest movement, the largest area and the “Richest” design conditions in this competition.

▴ fun palace ▴


1961年,Joan Littlewood 和建筑师Cedric Price最早提出了关于Fun Palace的设想——一个人们可以聚在一起享受艺术、科学和文化的空间,一个学习乐园的模型。基于桂园中学“最宽裕”的用地条件、高密度城市背景和合理解决校园可拓展性问题,我们在桂园中学改扩建项目中建立了一个立体多元的教学综合体,描绘了一个多维度多样化校园的垂直风景。

In 1961, Joan Littlewood and architect Cedric Price first proposed the idea of Fun Palace, space where people can get together to enjoy art, science and culture, a model of a knowledge paradise. Based on the “richest” land use conditions, high-density urban background and reasonable solution to the campus expandability of Guiyuan High School, we have established a multi-dimensional and multi-disciplinary teaching complex in the renovation and expansion project of Guiyuan Middle School, depicting a multi-dimensional and diverse The vertical landscape of the campus.



The 50m high-rise complex included professional classrooms, office, conference, sports, lunch breaks and other functions, and at the same time releases a limited campus space, so that the teaching area composed of ordinary classrooms can have good sunshine and spacing, and the playground can be preserved. Continuing the existing campus structure, the teaching area, comprehensive area, and sports field will be launched from east to west. The teaching area combines with the reserved buildings to provide 60 standard classrooms and 72 standard classrooms in the future. The underground garage is centrally located in the construction area. The reserved sports field provides an open front field for the campus, which is conducive to rainwater infiltration and has the opportunity to become a future expansion site.



The functional space of the complex is divided into three types in the vertical direction: the teaching area and the dormitory area are regular column space, the lecture hall and the gymnasium are large-span spaces, and the library, community activities, and exhibitions are free of mobility space. Public events spaces such as lecture halls, gymnasiums, and libraries are placed on floors B1 to 5; office areas are placed on the 6th floor; professional classrooms are located on floors 7-10, and dorms are located on floors 11-13. The complex is like a large "shelf". The "shelf partitions" of different heights become the "ground" of different themes. The teaching area, dormitory area, and public activity area are the 3~5 floors of the "ground". The courtyards and dramatic public spaces are placed three-dimensionally at different heights of the “shelf” and become the core of public activities in each functional area. It is easy to reach the horizontal direction of the same type of function, and also shows the special space experience brought by the high-level education complex.



The complex uses a giant suspension structure system, which not only liberates part of the building space, but also meets the requirements of variable floor height and large area without column space, and reserves sufficient possibilities for future renovation and upgrading of the building. While meeting the different working conditions of the building structure, the giant structure also presents a spatial model of an open and transparent way of learning in the future. We interpret this complex as a model of a future campus in a high-density urban context, exposing the building's main load-bearing structure, emphasizing the construction of the joints of the members, and using the trusses as an element of architectural interior space, representing the structural structure and machine aesthetics.





Whether it is the most crowded or the most affluent, the campus that has been growing in the city for many years presents an occupant relationship with the city. The boundaries of the campus become flexible and expand. The tall plants, memorial stones, and playgrounds on the campus become urban places. As part of the memory, the open sports field becomes a limited “low-density” area in high-density cities and is a corridor of sight and a physical field. Different from a completely new campus, the old campus as a spatial element of an existing city is part of the known urban experience and ecosystem, and we respect this trace of time.


The cultural arcade of Dongchang Primary School redefines the boundaries between the campus and the city and realizes the integration of street schools and communities. The complex of Guiyuan High School provides a model for the vertical organization of high-density campuses while retaining the urban texture and land. The differentiated influence of the urban environment and time on the campus has also led to a different and different solution for the type of building with a “normal paradigm” in the primary and secondary schools. Respecting memory and anticipating the future will enable our campus to exert its greater spatial and spiritual value in the city.



郑昕 杨原 郑立鹏 赵鉴一(实习)卢璟 郑恒彬


戴琼 张秋龙 林郁(实习) 易熙豪 毛铁勇 汤孟禅

原文编辑:戴琼 郑晨曦 杨杰麟(实习)汤孟禅


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